
The Beginning

PlanAfrica was founded on the 10th of January 2019 by Cameron Elliott. The early beginnings of PlanAfrica consisted of nothing more than a modest goal to promote and fundraise through social media for organizations across Africa that focus on Wildlife conservation and Anti-poaching.

After a successful few months of promotion and fundraising, Confident the future of PlanAfrica was bright. Cameron’s ambition grew as he decided it’s time to spend some time on the continent of Africa to gain a deeper understanding of what wildlife conservation is really about. In September 2019, Cameron accompanied by now Director Mark Reynolds set off on what would be PlanAfrica’s 1st Wildlife Conservation & Humanitarian Aid Mission.

Cementing relationships

This initial trip really laid the foundations for the road ahead over the coming years for PlanAfrica. Cementing relationships with like-minded people and organizations, exchanging knowledge and learning new skills, But the biggest learning curve came while working at the Umbayisa School in Soweto, South Africa. When it occurred to Cameron that working towards stopping the wildlife poaching epidemic today should not be the main priority, but working towards educating the children of today for them to gain employment, gain qualifications and gain a more thorough understanding of their heritage to have a better quality of life will ultimately determine the end of the wildlife poaching epidemic.

Cameron Elliott
"PlanAfrica’s rise has been a true success hard fought for, But the most beautiful part, It’s just the beginning"

Cameron Elliott

After the success of the 1st mission to South Africa, popularity grew rapidly with more and more people showing interest and keen to get involved in PlanAfrica. So the decision became mutual between Cameron and Mark. It was time to open the doors to PlanAfrica and welcome volunteers from across the globe to get involved and join in on upcoming Missions. With a full team of volunteers quickly assembled for the 2nd Mission due to take place in 2020 the worst inevitable thing happened, the Covid-19 pandemic. The future of PlanAfrica’s mission’s where completely uncertain. Although continuing our efforts through the pandemic with fundraising event, social media presence, delivering educational programs and really successful international homeless appeals. The fear was still very much alive of the question “will we ever get the opportunity to spend time where we’re needed and benefit the most?” and then as the pandemic subsided the light was definitely seen at the end of the tunnel. Finally, after almost three years the 2nd wildlife Conservation & Humanitarian Aid Mission was here and a massive success it was! Consisting of 18 volunteers from 6 different countries the group worked to the best of their abilities to establish relationships, empower and help with the educational development of the children of the Umbayisa School and also assist with the conservation efforts and wildlife rehabilitation of some of the most beautiful animals in the bush, all while embracing themselves in local cultures, making new friends and gaining memories to last a life time.

Mark Reynolds
"Today’s children are tomorrow’s leaders, the solution is simple. Nurture them"

Mark Reynolds